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Google+ is Growing Like Crazy. Report Coming Monday. Probably More than 4.5 Million Users Already

| Sunday, July 10, 2011
On Monday morning I plan to publish my latest research on how many Google+ users there are so far. My model is based on US Census Bureau data about how many people there are in the U.S. with each surname. I've described before the shortfalls of this model for calculating non-US users. But I haven't seen a better methodology from anyone else yet about estimating Google+ growth, so I'll continue to work on this one.

I updated about 1/4 of my surname counts tonight, and am very surprised at how fast the userbase is growing. Here are some sample user counts by surname:

Surname..................Monday .................... Saturday
Maring ....................... 3 ................................ 9
Tomczyk ................... 5 .............................. 20
Lagana ..................... 7 ............................... 13
Shireman .................. 2 ................................ 12
Tat ............................ 12 .............................. 51
Tozzi .......................... 15 ............................. 31
Trudel ......................... 9 ............................... 25
Yasin .......................... 25 ............................. 52
Greb ........................... 3 .............................. 11
Toepfer ....................... 3 .............................. 13
Cullinane .................... 7 ............................... 18

Read more: Post by Paul Allen
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