New password-stealing virus targets Facebook
Flame: A Different Kind Of Online Drawing Tool
Official site: Flame
Yahoo Pipes на страже автоматизации загрузок
20 + tags introduced in HTML5 you really should know
2. Aside
3. Audio
4. CanvasRead more: web developers juice
Microsoft Employees Reveal Something Incredible
Cracking open five of the best open source easter eggs
GNOME's fish games
Firefox Robots
Super cow powersRead more: ars technica
Installing and using Apache Cassandra With Java
* Decentralized – Every node in the cluster is identical. There are no network bottlenecks. There are no single points of failure.
* Flexible – Read and write throughput both increase linearly as new machines are added, with no downtime or interruption to applications.
* Highly Available – Writes and reads offer a tunable ConsistencyLevel, all the way from “writes never fail” to “block for all replicas to be readable,” with the quorum level in the middle.Read more: Sodeso
XBrowser - Headless Browser for .Net
NoSQL – Not only SQL
Simple SST Unhooker
2. Algorithm
3. Memory mapped files
4. Implementation
5. Demonstration
6. How to build
1. SST: referencesThis article is a logical continuation to the article "Driver to Hide Processes and Files" by Ivan Romananko. You can find all necessary information about System Service Table (SST) and its hooking in it. In this article I would like to present how to write your own unhooker that will restore original SST hooked by drivers like Ivan's one. 2. AlgorithmMy goal is to write a simple driver for SST hooking detection and removing purposes. This means that our driver should not use various Zw-functions and SST table because I suppose that SST table is corrupted by unknown rootkits. I do not care about filter drivers and function code splicers for now, but maybe I will come back to them in future. The simplest way to detect and remove hooks is to compare SST that is placed in memory with the initial SST from ntoskernel.exe file. So the goal is: 1. to find ntoskernel module in memory;
2. to find the section of ntoskernel where SST is placed and to calculate relative offset of SST in the section;
3. to find this section in the ntoskernel.exe file;
4. to calculate real address of SST in the file;
5. to read values from the file and to compare them with SST.But before the implementation I would like to present some additional information.3. Memory mapped files in kernel mode "A memory-mapped file is a segment of virtual memory which has been assigned a direct byte-for-byte correlation with some portion of a file or file-like resource". (c) WikiYeah, we want to parse the PE file and memory mapped files are very useful for this task. And it is easy enough to use mapped files API from the kernel mode, because it is very similar to Win32 API. Instead of CreateFileMapping and MapViewOfSection functions in kernel mode driver should access Read more: Codeproject
Did you know… you can have your External Tool’s text displayed in the Output Window ?
At the bottom of the External Tools dialog, you’ll see more options for customizing the external tool within visual studio. Today’s tip is about the Use output window option. The idea here is you’re running a .bat file, and you want to track the progress within Visual Studio. (and if you have a great real-world example, please leave a comment.) Using the command prompt as the tool, you can set the Arguments to something like “/C echo $(CurText)” where/C – from cmd.exe, carries out the command specified by string and then terminatesand $(CurText) is a token that comes from Visual Studio that represents the currently-selected text.Read more: Sara Ford's Weblog
What do those "IO requests taking longer than 15 seconds" messages on my SQL box mean?
XmlWriter, encodings and BOM
int bytesOnLine = 0;
for (long i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (bytesOnLine == 0) {
} Console.Write("{0:X2} ", bytes[i]);
if (bytesOnLine > 16) {
bytesOnLine = 0;
}Read more: Marcelo's WebLog
Detecting memory leaks using the CrtDbg Library
Collapse_CrtMemState s1, s2, s3;To take a snapshot of the memory state at a given point, pass a _CrtMemState structure to the _CrtMemCheckpoint function. This function fills in the structure with a snapshot of the current memory state:
Collapse_CrtMemCheckpoint(&s1);After calling _CrtMemCheckpoint(&s1), code can be written in which we can detect the memory leak. (_CrtMemCheckpoint can be used anywhere in the code.)After writing your code, use _CrtMemCheckpoint( &s2 ) to take another snapshot of the memory at that time; after that, you can call _CrtMemDifference(&s3, &s1, &s2). _CrtMemDifference compares two memory states s1 and s2, and returns their differences (debug version only). _CrtMemDifference(&s3, &s1, &s2) will return 0 if there is no memory leak between the s1 and s2 memory checkpoints, and returns 1 if the code written between the checkpoints s1 and s2 has a memory leak. Read more: Codeproject
Windows Phone 7 Series Programming Model
Download YouTube Videos the Easy Way
uTorrent banned by private trackers for "not playing fair"
Roadkil's Boot Builder
Windows Phone 7 Series Emulator for PC
Blazing Fast Password Recovery With New ATI Cards
MySpace To Sell User Data
SEC: Hacker Manipulated Stock Prices
MS Virtual PC Flaw Defeats Windows Defenses
Simpler "Hello World" Demonstrated In C
Read more: libc-free-world
This is the future of computer graphics
See video: Youtube
Creating your First Crystal Report for Use in a .NET Application
Article Contents: * Introduction
* Crystal Report Files
* Data Schema
* Crystal Reports Viewer
* Beginner Tips
* Conclusion
Read more: asp aliliance
Unreal Engine games add Nvidia 3D display
Business Cards
I like to have business cards so I can easily give people my contact information. My amazing wife designed this for me to kind of keep the cards with a programming look and feel. Read more: ryan
Unit Testing in JavaScript. Introduction
Unit TestingIn short: We’re writing tests for our application which are independent of each other. We may quickly execute set of them as we modify the code. The new application is error-free if all go positively. Unit Testing is connected with Agile methodology and techniques of producing a software such as Extreme Programming (XP) or Test-driven development (TDD). They assume that changes in application should be made frequently and in small portions. Unfortunately, it’s equivalent to frequent errors. Thanks to Unit Testing we are able to detect them rapidly.
Test-driven development"My team has created very innovative solution, but we’re still looking for a problem to go with it."Read more: Frontend Force
A Quick-Start Guide of Process Mandatory Level Checking and Self-elevation under UAC
2. How to know if the primary access token of the current process belongs to user account that is a member of the local Administrators group, even if it currently is not elevated?
3. How to check if the current process is elevated? The elevation information is available to only Windows Vista and newer operating systems because there was no UAC and "elevation" before Windows Vista.
4. How to get the integrity level of the current process (System/High/Medium/Low/Unknown)? The integrity level information is available to only Windows Vista and newer operating systems because there was no UAC and "integrity level" before Windows Vista.
5. How to show a UAC shield icon on the UI for tasks that require elevation?
6. How to self-elevate the current process?
7. How to automatically elevate the process when it's started up?We provide code samples to demonstrate the above how-to scenarios in three programming languages (native VC++, VC#, VB.NET) to meet the needs of different developers. Read more: Codeproject
Transparent Data Encryption
Visual Studio 2008 NUnit snippets
SQL Server 2008 Configuration Manager on a 64 bit machine does not display Network configuration & Native Client configuration options
1) SQL Native Client 10.0 configuration
2) SQL Server Network configuration Scenario 2 (32 bit options):
1) SQL Native Client 10.0 configuration(32 bit)
2) SQL Server Network configuration (32 bit)CAUSE:SQL Server configuration manager pulls the details with the help of SQLMGMPROVIDER.DLL.
This DLL has got two versions - one is 64 bit and the other is 32 bit :
The location 64 bit DLL is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\sqlmgmprovider.dll and the location 32 bit DLL is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\sqlmgmprovider.dll If this DLL is corrupted then you will see this issue. In this case when I checked the property of the 64 bit DLL it was blank.RESOLUTION:Read more: Microsoft SQL Server Tips & Tricks
Elmah vs Logging
* reporting (отчетность) — предоставление информации об ошибках пользователю в удобном для чтения виде;
* notification (уведомление) — уведомление пользователя о случившейся ошибке. В качестве примера библиотеки логгинга в этом вопросе используется log4net, так что в дальнейшем повествовании понятия «log4net» и «библиотека логгинга» употребляются как синонимы. Итак, основная функция log4net только одна: * logging — протоколирование событий, происходящих в приложении;Из приведенных списков видно, что log4net не обладает многими возможностями Elmah: * log4net не решает задачу reporting`а. Библиотека логгинга просто сохраняет протокол событий в определенном хранилище и не заботится об удобном представлении этого протокола пользователю. Доступные средства просмотра логов также не обеспечивают требуемого удобства, потому что они не предназначены для представления веб-специфичных параметров.
* log4net не решает задачу уведомления пользователя об ошибке. Можно, конечно, использовать appender, отсылающий UDP пакеты или написать свой, но изначально log4net не предназначен для решения таких задач.Кажется, что log4net отстает по всем пунктам. Но, с другой стороны, Elmah покрывает задачу логгинга не полностью. Ведь в протокол попадают только ошибки, в то время как в приложении может понадобиться следить за логикой последовательной работы нескольких систем и протоколировать множество дополнительной информации. log4net же поддерживает сообщения разных уровней — DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL. Read more: Codehelper
Microsoft(R) Silverlight™ for Symbian - Beta
Read more: Microsoft® Silverlight™ for Symbian – Beta Developer Tools
Performance tuning a server in less than three minutes while being slashdotted
Grid View with fixed header
2. GridView can be scrolled horizontally.
3. GridView can be scrolled vertically.Read more: Codeproject
SQL Style Extensions for C#
How to read the Google calendar in C#
Converting C# to COBOL
“Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications” Updated for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2
- Base Utilities
- SVR-5 Utilities
- Base SDK
- GNU Utilities
- UNIX Perl
- Visual Studio Debugger Add-inThis release enables 64-bit application development for SUA. development and porting of custom UNIX applications using the Windows OCI (Oracle Call Interface) and Windows ODBC libraries (collectively referred to as ‘Mixed Mode’ in the rest of the document). Read more: Greg's Cool [Insert Clever Name] of the Day
Download: MS Download
Fixing my SQL Directory NTFS ACLS
SET InstIdPath=H:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.%InstanceName%
SET Group=SQLServerMSSQLUser$SCICORIA-HV1$%InstanceName%
SET AgentGroup=SQLServerSQLAgentUser$SCICORIA-HV1$%InstanceName%ICACLS "%InstIdPath%\MSSQL" /T /Q /grant "%Group%":(OI)(CI)FX
ICACLS "%InstIdPath%\MSSQL\backup" /T /Q /grant "%Group%":(OI)(CI)F
ICACLS "%InstIdPath%\MSSQL\data" /T /Q /grant "%Group%":(OI)(CI)F
ICACLS "%InstIdPath%\MSSQL\FTdata" /T /Q /grant "%Group%":(OI)(CI)F
ICACLS "%InstIdPath%\MSSQL\Jobs" /T /Q /grant "%Group%":(OI)(CI)F
ICACLS "%InstIdPath%\MSSQL\binn" /T /Q /grant "%Group%":(OI)(CI)RX
ICACLS "%InstIdPath%\MSSQL\Log" /T /Q /grant "%Group%":(OI)(CI)FICACLS "%Inst100Path%" /T /Q /grant "%Group%":(OI)(CI)RX
ICACLS "%Inst100Path%\shared\Errordumps" /T /Q /grant "%Group%":(OI)(CI)RXW
(more...)Read more: Shawn Cicoria
Eclipse 3.6 M6 (Helios) available for download
Feature based launches (and feature based targets) should make bundle management a lot easier. Read more: Eclipse Source
Do you know what does URI, URL and URN means? I bet you will say that I know about URL but what about URI and URN! Here is a good description on Wikipedia and that is enough to understand these three: URI tells a unique path to a resource on the Internet. Read more: Web scripting
Get Safe File Name
/// Removes invalid characters from the string that is passed in.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the file.</param>
/// <returns>The safe name with invalid chars removed.</returns>
public static string GetSafeFileName(string name)
var safeName = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var c in name)
if ((from p in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars() where p == c select p).Count() == 0)
return safeName.ToString();
}Chris Martin posted an even tighter version of this code in the comments below. Thanks Chris.Read more:
Reading RSS feed in Silverlight 3.0
2. On click of Fetch Feed button ; RSS items will get populated.
3. On Clear Search button click text box and list box will be cleared. Read more: C# Corner
Moq Examples
Points of InterestMocks & Stubs?I’m in agreement with Jon that the differences between mocks and stubs are mostly semantic, and are best reserved for academic discussions. I called all the variables in my tests “mock” because the class for creating mocks and stubs with Moq is “Mock”.
API SurfaceThe reason I am such a fan of Moq is that the API “surface” is minimalistic. The methods I want to use most often are within clear sight and meaningful. There’s not a lot of extra jargon and noise that I have to think about. The methods that I use 20% of the time are tucked away in a manner that is still discoverable, but yet hidden enough to give me a signal that they’re not the first path I should choose. Read more: Codeplex
Installing an MSI in Compatibility Mode
בתירגום פשוט אלו השלבים: 1. התקינו Orca 2. קליק ימין על ה - msi ובחירה ב - Edit in orca 3. תחפשו ברשימה בצד שמאל מה שנקרא "LaunchCondition" 4. תחפשו בצד ימין שורה שמדברת על הגרסאות 5. הסירו אותה (בעזרת קליק ימין על השורה ובחירה ב - Cut Row) 6. לחיצה על Tools בחירה ב - Options תחפשו את הטאב database ותוודאו ש - "Copy embedded streams during Save As" מסומן. 7. לחיצה על File ובחירה ב - Save As 8. תצאו מ - Orca לפני הפעלה של ה - msi בהצלחה
Maintaining High Availability for the site
Troubleshooting Snapshot Agent hang
As you can see, pop-up status window shows “Starting agent”. So, looks like its running, but it stays this way forever. Replication Monitor also shows as “Running”.
If I double-click the I can zoom in on Agent details, however all I get is message the makes it sound like the Agent is busy, or maybe hung, but I’m not sure. So, how can I tell what the Snapshot Agent is doing without all the high-layer status tools getting in the way.Answer, since the Snapshot Agent is just Windows executable (…100\com\snapshot.exe), I can run it outside of SSMS but starting it from a Windows CMD-line, yes, we still use CMD prompt for troubleshooting. Here is what I did. Read more: REPLTalk covers Using and Tuning SQL Replication
Internet Explorer 9
Interested in checking out the new Web platform capabilities of Internet Explorer 9?
Download the Internet Explorer Platform Preview right nowRead more: IE Test Drive
SQL SERVER – MAXDOP Settings to Limit Query to Run on Specific CPU
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail
GORead more: Journey to SQL Authority with Pinal Dave
How to build your own DropBox personal clone
Instructions: Build DropBox
XPerf Tool – Why Can’t You Live Without It?
Although I’m new to this tool I decided to follow their suggestions because I believe you’re going to wonder how you could live without using this tool after using it for the first time. J So, when starting to write this article I decided to browse the internet to see how many articles from Microsoft I could find because I didn’t want to be redundant. As a matter of fact I found several great articles. (Am I late to the party? J) Some of these articles are very didactic and similar to what I had in mind. That said, I’m not going to be redundant here, likewise I’m going to give you just an overview about the tool and mention those articles that details the configuration and usage of XPerf so you can get the necessary details from these articles without having to research the internet all over again. WHAT’S XPERF?- XPerf is based on ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) which is a very efficient tracing infrastructure.
- The overhead caused by XPerf is about ~2.5% CPU, in other words, very minimum.
- The tracing can be dynamically enabled or disabled and it doesn’t require a reboot.
- XPerf enables you to collect logs, create reports and see charts from the collected data. Israel Burman (Israel is one of the ADPlus creators and the guy who taught me the XPerf tool) and Mario Hewardt told me I should blog about the XPerf tool.
Although I’m new to this tool I decided to follow their suggestions because I believe you’re going to wonder how you could live without using this tool after using it for the first time. J So, when starting to write this article I decided to browse the internet to see how many articles from Microsoft I could find because I didn’t want to be redundant. As a matter of fact I found several great articles. (Am I late to the party? J) Some of these articles are very didactic and similar to what I had in mind. That said, I’m not going to be redundant here, likewise I’m going to give you just an overview about the tool and mention those articles that details the configuration and usage of XPerf so you can get the necessary details from these articles without having to research the internet all over again. WHAT’S XPERF?- XPerf is based on ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) which is a very efficient tracing infrastructure.
- The overhead caused by XPerf is about ~2.5% CPU, in other words, very minimum.
- The tracing can be dynamically enabled or disabled and it doesn’t require a reboot.
- XPerf enables you to collect logs, create reports and see charts from the collected data.
WHEN SHOULD YOU USE XPERF? - When you need to isolate performance problems.
- To get a better understanding of the Operating System.
- Probably other scenarios where you can benefit for tracing the Windows components. WHEN SHOULD YOU USE XPERF?- When you need to isolate performance problems.
- To get a better understanding of the Operating System.
- Probably other scenarios where you can benefit for tracing the Windows components. Read more: Debugging Toolbox
Announcing the Release of the Open XML SDK 2.0
- This site is your one-stop shop for finding all information related to Open XML and the Open XML SDK
- Office Developer Center
- Office Visual-How-To sites
- An overview of Open XML SDK 2.0 for Microsoft Office
- Class Library References
- Microsoft Office File Format Documents
- YouTube Videos
Read more: Brian Jones & Zeyad Rajabi: Office Solutions
Download: OpenXML
Установка Windows 7 с флешки, правка дистрибутива Windows 7 с MDT
Подготовка средыЧтобы следовать инструкциям этого руководства, вам необходимо настроить следующую среду (или подобную): * Контроллер домена для домена
* DHCP сервер с настроенным границами для аренды адресов клиентским компьютерам.
* Рабочий компьютер с установленными MDT 2010 и Windows AIK 2.0.В моей тестовой среде один компьютер под управлением Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64 выполняет все эти роли.
Создание ресурса установки (Deployment Share) Открываем Deployment Workbench на рабочем компьютере, правой клавишей нажимаем на узле Deployment Shares и выбираем опцию создания нового ресурса установки New Deployment Share. Запускается мастер создания нового ресурса установки. Нажимаем кнопку Обзор (Browse) и создаем папку под названием DeploymentShare$ в корне диска Read more: Microsoft User Group Винница
Open Source Android Applications for developers
A variety of small applications that demonstrate an extensive collection of framework topics.2. Bluetooth Chat
An application for two-way text messaging over Bluetooth.3. BusinessCard
An application that demonstrates how to launch the built-in contact picker from within an activity. This sample also uses reflection to ensure that the correct version of the contacts API is used, depending on which API level the application is running under.
(more...)Read more: cute androind
Visual Guide to NoSQL Systems
There are so many NoSQL systems these days that it's hard to get a quick overview of the major trade-offs involved when evaluating relational and non-relational systems in non-single-server environments. I've developed this visual primer with quite a lot of help (see credits at the end), and it's still a work in progress, so let me know if you see anything misplaced or missing, and I'll fix it.
Without further ado, here's what you came here for (and further explanation after the visual).
Note: RDBMSs (MySQL, Postgres, etc) are only featured here for comparison purposes. Also, some of these systems can vary their features by configuration (I use the default configuration here, but will try to delve into others later).
Read more: Nathan Hurst’s Blog
Using TCP for Low-Latency Applications
Microsoft(R) Silverlight™ 4 SDK RC
Usage of the SDK is subject to the SDK License (included in the package). <-- it doesn't have 'Go-Live' license ! Read more: MS Download
Operator Overload
public double Value { get; set; } public Dolar(double value)
Value = value;
} וב - main
Dolar d1 = new Dolar(10);
Dolar d2 = new Dolar(20); if (d1.Value > d2.Value)
} לכאורה הקוד היה יותר קריא לו יכולנו לכתוב כך
if (d1 > d2)
} כדי לעשות את זה צריך להוסיף למחלקה את הקוד הבא public static bool operator >(Dolar d1, Dolar d2)
return d1.Value > d2.Value;
} public static bool operator <(Dolar d1, Dolar d2)
return d1.Value < d2.Value;
} Read more: שלמה גולדברג
Silverlight at Windows Phone 7
Microsoft announced today, that new Windows Phone 7 Series will support Silverlight as one of 2 development frameworks. Second development framework will be XNA (will blog about it later). So, what’s new for Silverlight developers there?First, we have familiar tools: Windows Phone applications with Silverlight will be developed either with Visual Studio 2010, either with new “express” version called Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone. This “express” version will enable development with both frameworks (Silverlight and XNA). Full Visual Studio 2010 will also get new project types to develop with both frameworks.Read more: DevCorner
SQL Express is not installed properly. Steps to be taken before reinstall again
1. Make sure you have administrative rights on the computer
2. Uninstall the existing SQL Server 2008 and all the components from the control panel. Remember to backup the user databases before uninstalling SQL Server.
3. Backup the registry.
4. Delete the following keys in regedit:
--HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server
5. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall and delete all the sub-keys referencing SQL Server.
6. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services and delete all the keys referencing SQL Server.
7. Rename all the SQL Server folders in the computer.
8. Download and install Windows Cleanup Utility:
Run the utility and remove any SQL Server components that you find.
9. Reboot the machine
10. Download and install Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1:
11. Download and install Windows Installer 4.5. (Windows 7 has Windows Installer 4.5)
12. Check if the computer has Visual Studio 2008. If so, you need to install Visual Studio 2008 SP1. For more information, please see
13. Download SQL Server 2008 Express Edition Service Pack 1 and install it: If it still fails, please provide us the error messages logged into the setup log files which are located in the %Program files%\Microsoft sql server\100\Setup bootstrap\Log\ folder. For more information about how to View and Read SQL Server Setup Log Files, please see Read more: Nice things inside SQL Server
GBackupSolution - Visual Studio Extension VSX 2008/2010
* Features
* Using the code
o Create a basic add-in
o Create a setting class to store your settings
o Create options page form
o Create class for backup purpose
o Getting all item files of a solution
o Compress all to the backup file.
o The end.
* Download and Installation
* Summary
* HistoryIntroductionWhen searching a way to backup my source code, I found a great application at CodeProject to do this kind of job: * Backup2Gmail: Backup Project Files to Gmail I love the idea of an automated, daily, off-site backup and then send the backup file to Gmail for storing with their amazing services. But I think it’s dangerous to backup your source codes to Gmail without password, and it will save out times more than if this tool were written as an extension of Visual Studio then we can backup any time we want. Therefore, I began to find an add-in which can do the same but the pity is that there’s no add-in like that. BTW, I found some great projects in backing-up your solution to store locally: * ProjectZip 1.6: Zip up the source code for your latest CodeProject article
* ZipStudio: Zip up a Visual Studio solution directly from the Visual Studio Solution Explorer window.
* SolutionZipper: VS 2005 Add-in Cleans and Zips a Solution in One Step. In the other hand, one of them does not have some options or features that I usually use for my job so I decided to make a new one. And I also show you how to create an add-in for Visual Studio step-by-step. Read more: Codeproject
איי הבתולה הבריטיים (BVI – British Virgin Islands)
איי הבתולה הבריטיים (BVI – British Virgin Islands) הם קבוצת איים בים הקריבי, אשר שייכים לבריטניה והינה חלק מארכיפלג איי הבתולה. איי הבתולה הבריטיים כוללים 4 איים עיקריים ועוד כ- 50 איים קטנים. אוכלוסיית האיים מונע כ- 22,000 איש ועיר הביה רואוד טאון שוכנת באי הגדול טורטולה. כלכלה:איי הבתולה הבריטיים (BVI – British Virgin Islands) הם אחת מקבוצות האיים המשגשגות ביותר. שני מקורות ההכנסה העיקריים ב- BVI הם תיירות ושירותים פיננסיים. 50% מההכנסות של המדינה, מקורם בתעשיית האופשור Offshore ומגיעים מאגרות שונות של רישום חברות זרות הרשומות באי ונהנות מהטבות מס כתוצאה מהיותו של האי אחד ממקלטי המס הנפוצים בעולם לרישום חברות זרות. רישום חברות זרות:צורת הרישום של חברה באיי הבתולה הבריטיים הינה "חברה עסקית בינלאומית" (IBC – International Business Company) ומעוגנות תחת חוק החברות הבינלאומי משנת 1984 וחוק הבנקים והנאמנויות משנת 1990. הליך הרישום של חברות זרות ב- BVI מחייב נציג מקומי וכתובת רשומה בתוך האיים.
שם החברה:
נאסר על החברה להשתמש בשם זהה או דומה לשם של חברה קיימת. יש איסור על שימוש במילים הבאות בשם החברה, למעט בקיום רשיון או הסכמה רשמית של ממשלת איי הבתולה הבריטיים: בנק, נאמנות, נאמנים, ביטוח, ביטחון, ביטוח משנה, בניית הקהילה, חסכונות, הלוואות, לשכת המסחר, אוניברסיטה, קרן עירונית, קרן השקעות ניהולית או כל מילה מקבילה בשפה אחרת. בעלי מניות:לחברות זרות ישנה דרישה של לפחות בעל מניות אחד. בעל המניות יכול להיות יחיד או חברה. ב- BVI ישנו חסיון על בעל המניות והוא אינו מופיעה ברשם החברות, כלומר, המידע אינו נגיש לציבור. הרישום של בעל המניות יופיע רק אצל הנציג המקומי. דירקטורים:ישנה דרישה של לפחות דירקטור אחד. הדירקטור אינו חייב להיות מקומי והוא יכול להיות יחיד או חברה.דו"חות כספיים:אין צורך בהגשת דוחו"ת כספייםמיסוי:חברות זרות הרשומות באיי הבתולה הבריטיים (BVI – British Virgin Islands) נהנות ממס של 0% על הכנסות שמקורם מחוץ לאיים. דיבידנדים וריבית המשולמים לתושבי חוץ פטורים מניכוי מס במקור. אין מס על רווחי הון, על מתנות ומס עזבון. ל- BVI קיימות אמנות מס עם בריטניה, יפן ושוויץ. ביטויים רלבנטים – הקמת חברה באיי הבתולה,הקמת חברת BVI, רישום חברת
It is an implementation of the PKCS #11: Cryptographic Token Interface Standard, that you may freely download and distribute.This software is only available in source code and is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). The source code package also includes an interactive shell that is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Please refer to the file README for further explanations. Please note that this software is aimed at developers of applications with cryptographics functions and requires programming expertise to make use of. gpkcs11 is still in development and may lead to loss of data and has potential security holes. TC TrustCenter is not liable to any damages, direct or indirect, that arise through the use of the software. PKCS#11 defines an interface for the communication of arbitrary applications with systems that perform cryptogrphic operations, like en- and decryption, signing and verifying. These systems, called token, may be Chipcards (with appropriate reader), discrete hardware systems or pure software implementations. gpkcs11 provides support functions to make the development of support for new tokens easier and contains a complete software token, as well as an automated testing environment. In a later version this software token will be usable as complete and secure tool for cryptographic applications. In this phase gpkcs11 may serve as a testing tool in the development of new applications that contain cryptographic support. Here you may download the latest version. The code was tested on Solaris 2.5.1/SPARC and successfully compiles on Linux 2.0.36/i386 as well. It should run on other UNIX platforms as well. Only the creation of shared libraries may cause problems. The libtool is used in order to help solve those problems on plattforms where it is supported. Unfortunately we do not have acces to other plattforms, but would be very interested in any reports on your experiences. The development is being done on Windows NT in parallel, and is buildable on it as well. Starting with version 0.5.6 for the the workspace and project files for Microsofts Visual C++ 6.0 are included. This is a kind of trial balloon. The whole system is not buildable without manual intervention (e.g. you still need the seperate OpenSSL library). But the projects should help build gpkcs11 on Win32. Read more: gpkcs11
PKCS Standards and .NET Framework
PKCS # 3 The Diffie-Hellman key-agreement standard. This defines the Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol.
PKCS # 5 The password-based encryption standard (PBE). This describes a method to generate a Secret Key based on a password.
PKCS # 6 The extended-certificate syntax standard. This is currently being phased out in favor of X509 v3.
PKCS # 7 The cryptographic message syntax standard. This defines a generic syntax for messages which have cryptography applied to it.
PKCS # 8 The private-key information syntax standard. This defines a method to store Private Key Information.
PKCS # 9 This defines selected attribute types for use in other PKCS standards.
PKCS # 10 The certification request syntax standard. This describes syntax for certification requests.
PKCS # 11 The cryptographic token interface standard. This defines a technology independent programming interface for cryptographic devices such as smartcards.
PKCS # 12 The personal information exchange syntax standard. This describes a portable format for storage and transportation of user private keys, certificates etc.
PKCS # 13 The elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) standard. This describes mechanisms to encrypt and sign data using elliptic curve cryptography.
PKCS # 14 This covers pseudo random number generation (PRNG). This is currently under active development.
PKCS # 15 The cryptographic token information format standard. This describes a standard for the format of cryptographic credentials stored on cryptographic tokens. Note: PKCS #2 and #4 do not exist anymore because they have been incorporated into PKCS #1.Read more: Codeproject