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Could You Do Linus Torvalds' Job? Find Out.

| Sunday, July 10, 2011
Most of you know that Linus Torvalds is the creator of Linux. But how many of us know what text editor he uses? Or, what he does when he gets an ugly patch submission?

If you think you could dethrone the King of Linux, we invite you take our new Facebook Quiz: "Could you do Linus Torvalds' Job?" Linus has made it clear he's not going anywhere. But, it would be pretty cool to know if you've got what it takes; and, then to show off your know-how to your friends/family on your Facebook wall (among other locations) with custom badges you'll receive based on your scores. You could be a "Linus Clone" or "Linus Stalker." You won't know until you take the quiz.

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