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WCF Extensibility – Binding (and binding element) configuration extensions

| Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Binding elements can be made “configurable” by using the BindingElementExtensionElement class (similar to the BehaviorExtensionElement class covered in a previous post). Bindings take a little more work, since we need two extension classes, one for the binding “section” (StandardBindingCollectionElement<TStandardBinding, TBindingConfiguration>) for the new binding type, and one for each specific binding “instance” (StandardBindingElement). The next sections will have more details about these classes.
Public implementations in WCF

Those are the public binding element extensions – those which can be used inside custom binding declarations in configuration. I’ll divide them in sections for the channel types which those binding elements create.



Read more: Carlos' blog
QR: wcf-extensibility-binding-and-binding-element-configuration-extensions.aspx

Posted via email from Jasper-net