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Stephen Toub says, "I've got your Samples for Parallel Programming with the .NET... right here..."

| Thursday, July 28, 2011
The .NET Framework 4 includes significant advancements for developers writing parallel and concurrent applications, including Parallel LINQ (PLINQ), the Task Parallel Library (TPL), new thread-safe collections, and a variety of new coordination and synchronization data structures.

This sample includes example applications and library functionality that demonstrate, utilize, and augment this support (it is not production quality). This sample is a single .zip containing a single Visual Studio .sln file, which then contains multiple Visual Studio projects that highlight key capabilities provided by the .NET Framework 4 and the parallel programming support it provides. Below are descriptions of the included examples.

(For discussions of Parallel Extensions and/or these samples, visit the forums at For documentation on the parallelism constructs in .NET 4, see For information direct from the Parallel Extensions team, subscribe to the team blog at For videos/articles on parallelism and Parallel Extensions, visit the Parallel Computing Developer Center at

Read more: Greg's Cool [Insert Clever Name] of the Day
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