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"OpenVizsla" Open Source USB Protocol Analyzer

| Monday, June 13, 2011
UPDATE: \o/ We made the target! Thank you!
But your pledges are still appreciated and needed.

Pledging more will allow us to buy larger quantities of components that will give us more buying power and access further price breaks with the distributors and vendors. Pledge to secure your badge, PCB, kit or finished OpenVizsla unit!

OpenVizsla is a project to design a device that will allow the capture and inspection of USB traffic that will help with the reverse engineering and debugging of proprietary USB devices, and will also be an invaluable tool for developers working with USB and especially those who are using USB in embedded designs. The project is created by bushing and pytey of Team Twiizers and iPhone DevTeam fame.

The name OpenVizsla comes from the Magyar (Hungarian) Vizsla, a multipurpose breed of dog that is skilled in seeking, tracking, pointing, and retrieving, if you are wondering how to pronounce the word "Vizsla" you can hear a clip here and here.

USB has a standard, published interface that is properly described (at great length) but the actual protocols for connected devices are not common and are often proprietary to the individual vendors or manufacturers. USB succeeded at eliminating most strange cables, but requires custom drivers for many types of hardware.

Read more: KickStarter

Posted via email from Jasper-net