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Test drive the shiny new Wcf interop bindings

| Wednesday, June 15, 2011 is the place where most of the wcf action happens at these days. If you have been following it recently you have seen a lot of activity around Rest and Http. As of yesterday Soap officially joins the codepex party. Microsoft has just released the WCF Express Interop Bindings - a new Visual Studio extension for Soap web services interoperability. If you use Wcf this matters to you!

What did Microsoft release yesterday?

Web services interoperability is always a pain. When security is involved it is usualy more then a casual 'oouch'. Yes, WsHttpBinding has a specific permutation of settings which can interoperate with Oracle web logic. And I know a lot of people who have tried to find that permutation in a brute force manner. Mostly doing this is a waste of time which we prefer to invest in more productive areas.

So here's the idea behind yesterday's shipping: We now have a new binding, WebLogicBinding, which only allow us to configure settings which are interoperable with web logic. So all settings are interoperable! We also have bindings for web sphere, axis2 (wso2) and metro (wsit / glassfigh / tango).
In addition we got a nice wizard on top of Visual Studio's new project dialog which allows us to easily author interoperable services using these bindings.


Posted via email from Jasper-net