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Amalgam: Place FTP as a mapped drive in Explorer

| Thursday, June 16, 2011
This will use Dokan to make (Initially) an FTP target appear as a source drive in Explorer. It will allow Media playback and file updates.
A lot of this work was done to talk to the Liquesce FTP Server, and yet still has to deal with the shortcomings of both FTP and the Dokan driver.

It will use .Net4 x32 Full profile, so will run wherever it is installed.

Q Aren't there other free offerings that do this?
A Yes there are, but I was not able to find one that worked reliably and at the full potential of both read and write speeds in Win 7 and above.

Q Why do this?
A I wanted a drive that took an FTP target and placed it into windows as a drive in explorer (and dos); so that Media players could extract data and play large 1080p files without jitter.

Read more: Codeplex

Posted via email from Jasper-net