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How to Save YouTube/FLV Clips on Android

| Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Saving FLV files from YouTube or other video streaming services to your Android phone isn't as tricky as you might think with these two easy methods!

Enjoy YouTube? Why Not Save the Videos?

One of the most popular uses for mobile devices is to enjoy streamed content, typically movies (but often music as well) and one of the most common ways of streaming content is via the FLV format. This can be played in the browser or a dedicated FLV viewer as it is downloaded, allowing the Android device to play, perhaps, a movie trailer from YouTube.

However, there is one drawback with FLV – it’s tough to save it and keep a copy, and on a mobile device it is made even tougher by the lack of useful browser plugins that are available for desktop computers.

Fortunately, various ways do now exist to save streaming FLV on Android phones, thanks to a couple of useful websites and one or two free apps that allow you to download a streamed video clip and save it to your phone for a repeated viewing – or even transfer to your computer – later on.

Using TubeMate – YouTube Downloader

Thanks to the free TubeMate app you can start downloading YouTube videos without any messing around.

The first thing you will need to do is visit the Android Market and search for “tubemate”. Once you have found and installed the app, you can launch it from the shortcut, which will take you to a selection of current popular YouTube videos. Using the search function in the top-right corner, find the clip you want to keep, and select it from the search results.

Read more: BrightHub

Posted via email from Jasper-net