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101 Apps for Your Web App Startup Toolbox

| Wednesday, June 15, 2011
With the multitude of web applications available today, it can be difficult choosing, let alone finding, an application that fits your needs and wants. There are so many fantastic apps available, many of which are bound to be beneficial for you and/or your business.
From mind mapping, design and development to collaboration, project tracking and accounting; this roundup of 101 fantastic web apps for startups and businesses are sure to reduce operating costs and increase both productivity and efficiency.

Mind Mapping


mindmeister helps you move your web app ideas from the napkin to a more tangible and sensible form. You can start by creating a flow as to how the web app will operate right from sign up to logging out.

“Mind mapping and brainstorming software, awards winner, open source, free download, compatible with Freemind/MindManager.”

Mindjet is a great mind mapping app and can be integrated with Microsoft Sharepoint server. Mindjet Deal Navigator lets you visually identify sales opportunities with organizational charts in



inPreso is a wireframing web app that comes in handy when you get an idea for a web app. The app allows you to share the mockups instantly over the web.

Read more: appStorm

Posted via email from Jasper-net