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LulzSec Strikes Again, Hits Bethesda Softworks And U.S. Senate

| Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Having been hinting about it via Twitter all day, the hacker group LulzSec made good on its promise to release data taken from gaming publisher Bethesda Softworks, in a message posted to Pastebin.

It then added a second file to its release: A server configuration file for the servers used on the U.S. Senate’s Web site. No sensitive information was released in that message, though it’s clear from the file that it was taken from U.S. Senate servers and indicates the group has somehow penetrated that system.

“We don’t like the US government very much,” the group explained. “Their boats are weak, their lulz are low, and their sites aren’t very secure. In an attempt to help them fix their issues, we’ve decided to donate additional lulz in the form of owning them some more! This is a small, just-for-kicks release of some internal data from – is this an act of war, gentlemen? Problem?”

Read more: AllThingsD

Posted via email from Jasper-net