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New SilverlightShow - Summary of Features and Improvements Introduced

| Monday, June 13, 2011
What's New?
 The long-awaited SilverlightShow forums! Post your Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 related questions there, or reply to other questions and earn member recognition! Check out the forums!

  SilverlightShow Community recognition program. Earn points by posting new content, and replying to questions asked inside our forums. Read what earns you points.

 New member options:
Log into SilverlightShow with your Facebook account
Specific content (like article source code) restricted to members only
Monitor the stats for the articles you author from the Articles tab in your member profile.

What's Improved?
 Better, friendlier user interface
 All content highlights featured on Home page. Content highlights available for each content topic too
 Better organization of learning materials. All news, articles, videos, books and other content are now grouped by topic. Check them out!
 Easier and faster site search, looking into into different types of content - books, news, articles, etc.
 Simplified and improved login and registration

Read more: SilverlightShow

Posted via email from Jasper-net