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Hunting for Bugs, but Found a Worm

| Sunday, January 9, 2011
Hi All, my name is Ron Riddle and I’m an Escalation Engineer on the core Windows team.  I worked an issue recently wherein a svchost.exe was crashing due to heap corruption; so, after enabling Page Heap and breaking out the services as needed, I received a user-mode dump that would show me the culprit.  I was expecting to find a legitimate bug either in our code or a third-party module; but, much to my surprise, I found that malware had caused a buffer overrun and the subsequent crash.  With that, I would like to share the simple approach I took in identifying the malware within the dump file.

1. I start by dumping out the offending call stack.  Notice that the debugger wasn’t able to map the code addresses to a loaded or unloaded module.
0:003> kbn
# ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child            
WARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. Following frames may be wrong.
00 02bcfdcc 7c81a35f 02b7ae40 7c81a3ab 00000004 0x2b685b0
01 02bcfde4 02b68bfe 02b7ae40 00000000 77e424ee ntdll!LdrpCallInitRoutine+0x21
02 02bcfde8 02b7ae40 00000000 77e424ee 02b7ae10 0x2b68bfe
03 02bcfdec 00000000 77e424ee 02b7ae10 00000000 0x2b7ae40

2. Next, I try to learn more about the mystery address, such as what larger allocation it was a part of.
0:003> !address 0x2b685b0
Usage:                  <unclassified>
Allocation Base:        02b60000
Base Address:           02b61000
End Address:            02b81000
Region Size:            00020000
Type:                   00020000    MEM_PRIVATE
State:                  00001000    MEM_COMMIT
Protect:                00000040    PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE

3. By now, I am suspicious of a rogue module, so I proceed in searching the aforementioned address range for a DOS Signature(i.e. 0x5A4D or “MZ”) that I know any Portable Executable file must contain.  I start with the Base Address from the above output and use the Region Size to specify my range.
0:003> s -a 02b61000 l20000/4 "MZ"
02b615d8  4d 5a 90 00 03 00 00 00-04 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00  MZ..............
02b61bd0  4d 5a 75 f4 5f 83 c4 08-c2 04 00 55 8d 44 24 0c  MZu._......U.D$.
02b67cd0  4d 5a 0f 85 69 01 00 00-8b 4d 7c 8b 46 3c 81 c1  MZ..i....M|.F<..
02b681bf  4d 5a 74 07 33 c0 e9 c9-01 00 00 8b 45 0c 56 8b  MZt.3.......E.V.

4. Now that I have some hits, I’ll start with the first one and verify whether it’s a valid module.  Bingo!
0:003> !dh -a 02b615d8

File Type: DLL
    14C machine (i386)
      5 number of sections
37304740 time date stamp Wed May 05 08:27:28 1999

      0 file pointer to symbol table
      0 number of symbols
     E0 size of optional header
   2102 characteristics
           32 bit word machine

    10B magic #
   7.00 linker version

Read more: Ntdebugging Blog

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