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"Save To My Skydrive" Come True

| Tuesday, November 23, 2010

More than two years ago, I wrote a blog post of my view on Cloud Computing, titled "Save To My Skydrive". Back then both OfficeLive and Google Docs provided online Office applications and collaboration tools. But one thing missing in both offerings was the feature that allows one to easily save local docs to the cloud, by simply clicking "File"-->"Save To Skydrive" in MS Office software.

Today, Google announced Google Cloud Connect for Microsoft Office,  a tool that enables local MS office files to sync to Google Docs.

Update: Microsoft Office 2010 comes with Office Web Apps that allows file sharing and editing with Sharepoint or Skydrive. Windows Phone 7 has "Upload to Skydrive" for pictures and videos, and the Office OneNote app supports real-time sync with Skydrive.

Read more: Pei Zheng's Mobile Computing Blog

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