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Nessus 4.4.0 Released!

| Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tenable is excited to announce a new release of the Nessus vulnerability scanner! This is a major release (moving from 4.2.2 to 4.4.0) and includes several new features and enhancements, including the addition of scan scheduling and enhanced reporting. The GUI and web server have both been updated and will be released through the plugin feed. The enhancements included in the plugin feed will be backward compatible with Nessus 4.2, and some of the new features will be available in Nessus 4.2 via the plugin feed update. However all users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the latest version to take advantage of all the new features.

The list below outlines the changes included in the 4.4.0 release, including sample reports, scheduling examples and more:

User interface

A brand new reporting engine produces improved reports. Two new HTML reports have been added: a detailed plugin report (results displayed by plugin / vulnerability) and an "Executive Summary" report that summarizes the top 10 most vulnerable hosts on the network.


Read more: Tenable

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