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Exploit writing tutorial part

| Sunday, February 28, 2010
Last friday (july 17th 2009), somebody (nick)named ‘Crazy_Hacker’ has reported a vulnerability in Easy RM to MP3 Conversion Utility (on XP SP2 En), via (see The vulnerability report included a proof of concept exploit (which, by the way,  failed to work on my MS Virtual PC based XP SP3 En). Another exploit was released just a little bit later.

Nice work.  You can copy the PoC exploit code, run it, see that it doesn’t work (or if you are lucky, conclude that it works), or… you can try to understand the process of building the exploit so you can correct broken exploits, or just build your own exploits from scratch.

(By the way : unless you can disassemble, read and comprehend shellcode real fast, I would never advise you to just take an exploit (especially if it’s a precompiled executable) and run it.  What if it’s just built to open a backdoor on your own computer ?

The question is : How do exploit writers build their exploits ? What does the process of going from detecting a possible issue to building an actual working exploit look like ? How can you use vulnerability information to build your own exploit ?

Ever since I’ve started this blog, writing a basic tutorial about writing buffer overflows has been on my “to do” list… but I never really took the time to do so (or simply forgot about it).

When I saw the vulnerability report today, and had a look at the exploit, I figured this vulnerability report could acts as a perfect example to explain the basics about writing exploits… It’s clean, simple and allows me to demonstrate some of the techniques that are used to write working and stable stack based buffer overflows.

So perhaps this is a good time…  Despite the fact that the forementioned vulnerability report already includes an exploit (working or not), I’ll still use the vulnerability in “Easy RM to MP3 conversion utility” as an example and we’ll go through the steps of building a working exploit, without copying anything from the original exploit. We’ll just build it from scratch (and make it work on XP SP3 this time :) )

Read more: Peter Van Eeckhoutte's Blog

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