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Blizzard Reveals Diablo 3 (Real Money) Auction House

| Tuesday, August 16, 2011
At a special event at Blizzard HQ in California, gaming press were treated to the first look at the Diablo 3 auction house — featuring real-world money transactions across different regions allowing you to buy and sell items with real money. There'll be a listing fee and a sales fee for auctions, and while they're not talking dollar numbers just yet, Blizzard assures gamers that they're not looking to pinch pennies.

Update: 08/01 17:41 GMT by S :The other big piece of news about Diablo 3 is that it will require a persistent connection to to play, even for single-player mode. Eurogamer has a detailed write-up about the current state of the beta

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Posted via email from Jasper-net