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Introducing New Pre-computed Widgets for Your Blog and Website

| Wednesday, June 22, 2011
We have been working on making Wolfram|Alpha Widgets more customizable so that it’s easier for bloggers and webmasters to incorporate them in their sites and posts. We’re now pleased to share a few updates with you.
The most exciting new feature is the pre-computed “inline” widget. With these widgets, readers get computational knowledge from Wolfram|Alpha directly, without even clicking a button! As a new twist on the iframe-style widgets, you can now choose to hide or show the inputs as well as hide or show results right on the page as a streamlined addition to your own content.

Here are some examples:

This widget will give your readers the distance from New York City to their location. It pre-computes the distance based on the reader’s IP address. If users want to know the distance to NYC from another location, all they have to do is click the plus sign to open the widget input area, where they can enter a different starting location.

Posted via email from Jasper-net