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NHibernate Membership Provider

| Thursday, April 22, 2010
Project Description
The NHMemberProvider is a complete .Net Membership Provider developed in C# and utilizing NHibernate for data persistence.

The initial release will consist of all source code needed to build and perform integration tests against the NHibernateProvider project. A sample app.config is included as a starting point. I will be adding a reference MVC app in the future.

Please make sure you adjust the app.config for the test projects (and your real project!) to reflect appropriate connection string settings. Some of the integration tests will also require that your machinekeys section includes encryption keys, since auto-generating keys cannot be used for encyrpted or hashed passwords.

While I am currently using this in production, it is a work in progress, so any helpful feedback is always appreciated!

Read more: Codeplex

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