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Start with Objective-C on Windows

| Monday, January 24, 2011
This tutorial is about installing Objective-C and writing a simple Hello World application on a Windows based machine. I’ve tested the following procedure on a Windows 7 machine.

- Unix like shell (a text based environment like a super Command Prompt );
- Objective-C compiler;
- “Real” text editor (God forbid to use Word, WordPad or Notepad).

For the first two points we will install GNUstep which is “a free and open version of the Cocoa (formerly known as NeXTSTEP/OpenStep) APIs and tools”, see
The Windows version of GNUstep is located at
from the Download section you should save on your machine at least GNUstep MSYS System, GNUstep core and GNUstep Devel.

Read more: Drunken Programmer Blog

Posted via email from Jasper-net