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BareMetal OS

| Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The BareMetal OS - For a lean, mean, processing machine
BareMetal is a 64-bit OS for x86-64 based computers. The OS is written entirely in Assembly, while applications can be written in Assembly or C/C++. Development of the Operating System is guided by its 3 target segments:

  • High Performance Computing - Act as the base OS for a HPC cluster node. Running advanced computation workloads is ideal for a mono-tasking Operating System.
  • Embedded Applications - Provide a platform for embedded applications running on commodity x86-64 hardware.
  • Education - Provide an environment for learning and experimenting with programming in x86-64 Assembly as well as Operating System fundamentals.
Current version is 0.4.9 - released September 15, 2010.

BareMetal boots via Pure64 and has a command line interface with the ability to load programs/data from a hard drive. Current plans for v0.5.0 call for a more feature-rich C/C++ library for applications as well as general bug fixes and optimizations. The creation of BareMetal was inspired by MikeOS - A 16-bit OS written in Assembly used as a learning tool to show how simple Operating Systems work.

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