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HOWTO: Install Android-x86 2.2 in VirtualBox

| Thursday, January 27, 2011
Since Android-x86 2.2 was officially released a few days ago, I figured I’d provide a quick rundown of how to get it up and running in VirtualBox. All in all, it is pretty straightforward. Download, install, download, install. But if you’ve never installed a Linux based system before, some of the steps will look quite foreign. Plenty of screenshots will help with that!

Step 1: Install VirtualBox

This one’s easy. Head over to the Downloads section on the VirtualBox site and snag the appropriate installer for your OS. Since it will be a little different for each OS, I won’t provide screenshots for each step here. In general there’s just a lot of “Next” clicking involved. Of note, the networking component of the setup process will temporarily disrupt your connection. So if you’re downloading anything else, wait until it is finished before continuing with the setup.

Once installation is completed, you’ll be greeted with a screen like this the first time you run VirtualBox:


Read more: Android Spin

Posted via email from Jasper-net