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Troubleshooting Snapshot Agent hang

| Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I recently got a customer call where the SQL 2008 Snapshot Agent appeared to hang when started from SSMS.


As you can see, pop-up status window shows “Starting agent”.  So, looks like its running, but it stays this way forever. Replication Monitor also shows as “Running”.
If I double-click the I can zoom in on Agent details, however all I get is message the makes it sound like the Agent is busy, or maybe hung, but I’m not sure.

So, how can I tell what the Snapshot Agent is doing without all the high-layer status tools getting in the way.

Answer, since the Snapshot Agent is just Windows executable (…100\com\snapshot.exe), I can run it outside of SSMS but starting it from a Windows CMD-line, yes, we still use CMD prompt for troubleshooting.  Here is what I did.

Read more: REPLTalk covers Using and Tuning SQL Replication

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