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Streaming Live or On-Demand Video from IIS7 to iOS Devices (iPhone/iPad) and Silverlight Clients

| Sunday, November 14, 2010
Earlier this year I posted on Installing and Setting Up and Encoding for IIS 7 Smooth Streaming and Silverlight. The general idea was to show folks that it's actually pretty easy to setup Smooth Streaming for Silverlight. Of course, not everyone uses Silverlight, and lots of folks (myself included) have iPhones and iPads.

I've long been singing the praises of IIS7. If you're on IIS6, get off it. IIS7 is the #1 reason to get on Windows Server 2008R2, IMHO. Mostly because of the crapload of awesome (CoA) that keeps coming out of the IIS team. Many of these modules aren't on the radar of the average developer. I think that Web Platform Installer helps some, but still, I'd like to get the word about some of this free stuff like the Web Farm Framework, the all new FTP 7.5, Bit Rate Throttling, and my favorite, Application Request Routing (which I use in my robot).

Anyway, last week IIS released IIS Media Services 4.0 that you can download now. It's free if you have IIS on your machine. They also released a number of things this summer like the Transform Manager 1.0 Alpha.

Getting existing Video from IIS7 to iOS devices elegantly

Why do I care? Well, I'm sitting here looking at an IPhone 3G, an iPhone 4 and an iPad on my desk. Many of your customers have these devices. How do you get video to them, cleanly, quickly, easily and from a single source file?

Turns out there's features in IIS7 and Media Services that target iOS directly. Yes, it's true. Cats and dogs, living together, mass hysteria. Get your snowballs out, hell has frozen over and the slopes look sweet.

On-Demand Encoded Video for iOS and Silverlight

First, I've got this file on my hard drive called ScottGuHDTest1. It's a picture in picture (PIP) test that ScottGu and I did a while ago while looking into new ways to deliver educational video content. Consider this my stock video for this example.

Read more: Scott Hanselman

Posted via email from .NET Info