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How to solve JavaScript IntelliSense problems in VS2010

| Sunday, November 14, 2010
VS2010 should support all of the VS2008 JavaScript functionalities as shown in Scott Guthrie’s VS2008 JavaScript IntelliSense blog.  It includes:

1. Basic type inference
2. IntelliSense from referenced external JavaScript libraries
3. IntelliSense from XML comments for functions, parameters and return types
4. Calling web services using ASP.NET AJAX

Additionally, VS2010 RTM had some improvement, including:

1. IntelliSense when manipulating browser objects
2. Dynamic generated variable IntelliSense
3. Default JavaScript snippets within IntelliSense to help you code faster

Scott Guthrie has a brief blog covering some of these.

Due to the dynamic feature of our JavaScript engine, we may run info conflicts between XML commented return types and inferred return types in some cases.

Read more: Visual Web Developer Team Blog

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