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Memory mapped IO for fun and profit

| Wednesday, November 17, 2010
What I am going to describe below is a fairly straightforward application of memory mapped IO to get huge benefits versus normal IO when loading static, but large, data structures. You can find the code for it here (note: linux only, though it would be an easy windows port). For our face recognition SDK, our model files are large binary files that are full of various bits of (odd-sized) data. We recently flattened everything out and made our initialization, effectively, zero-copy. This is a write-up of that process on a contrived example to make it a bit simpler. If you’ve ever used mmap to persist a large static data structure, you’ll probably find nothing of value here, but for the rest, read on.

For this example, consider a very large list of strings (and their lengths) that we need to persist to disk. Or, a very large array of these:

typedef struct {
 char *data;
 int len;
} data_t;
To make the problem non-trivial, we will consider the case of different length strings (in my tests I was using a million strings around 150 bytes in length — plus or minus a few to keep them from all being the same size).

Let’s get started

Here is a naive read/write for this data structure:

void naive_write(char* filename, data_t* data, int n)
 FILE *f;
 int i;
 f = fopen (filename, "wb" );
 fwrite(&n, sizeof(n), 1, f);
 for (i=0;i<n;i++)
   fwrite(&data[i].len, sizeof(data[i].len), 1, f);
   fwrite(data[i].data, sizeof(char), data[i].len, f);

data_t* naive_read(char* filename)
 data_t* answer;
 FILE *f;
 int i, n;
 f = fopen (filename, "rb");
 fread(&n, sizeof(n), 1, f);
 answer = malloc(n * sizeof(data_t));
 for (i=0;i<n;i++)
   fread(&answer[i].len, sizeof(answer[i].len), 1, f);
   answer[i].data = malloc(sizeof(char) * answer[i].len);
   fread(answer[i].data, sizeof(char), answer[i].len, f);
 return answer;
We first write the number of strings, and then for each string we write its length followed by the string data. When reading, we read the number of strings (and malloc the array of strings) and then for each string we read its length (to malloc the string data itself) and then read the string. This implementation does many mallocs() and it does many freads(). It is, consequently, fairly slow.

With this data format on disk, though, this would be difficult to (easily) optimize much more. So, let’s change the layout.

Read more: { on programming and the internets }

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