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Getting Started with Apache CXF Web Services

| Monday, October 18, 2010
Before I get into the details of Apache CXF, this section presents a simple, yet complete, example of a RESTful web service built with Apache CXF. Specifically it includes the following technologies:
  • ApacheCXF's Servlet that translates requests to specific URIs to specific method invocations
  • Spring to implement the service
  • JAXB to perform the XML binding
  • XSD to represent the communication “contract” that the service exposes; also used by JAXB to generate model classes for the service
  • Maven as the build / project lifecycle management tool

The process for building an Apache CXF RESTful web service can be summarized as follows:

  1. Create a new Maven web application
  2. Update the POM file to include the ApacheCXF JAX-RS library, which in turn includes all of its dependencies
  3. Update the POM to include any other dependencies, such as Spring
  4. Update the web application's web.xml file to define the CXFServlet and map all (or some, depending on your application) requests to it
  5. Configure Spring in the web.xml file to load an application context XML file

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