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Analyze and validate T-SQL code using SQL Enlight

| Wednesday, October 20, 2010
As databases get bigger, the number of database objects increase and the amount of business logic implemented using T-SQL code becomes quite substantial, often even more critical than the application code; the automation of the process of ensuring code quality is becoming more and more important.

Static code analysis is a popular method for code verification and defect detection in the .NET, C++ and Java development worlds, but very often left behind and neglected by the SQL Server development community.

SQL Enlight is a tool for SQL Server that can automate and facilitate the T-SQL code and database schema analysis. The tool works in a way similar to the .NET focused tools like FxCop and StyleCop. It provides design-time code, database schema and query plan analysis. The tool comes with about 70 out of the box analysis rules and also supports custom analysis rules.

Read more: SQL Server curry

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