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ASP.NET Load WebUserControl programmatically and invoke method using Reflection

| Sunday, October 17, 2010

A few days ago, someone asked me how to invoke a method in a WebUserControl that is being loaded programmatically. I took the opportunity to put together a sample code to provide the answer based on different access level. I hope you all will find this information useful. Sample code is available to download.
Putting everything together

Shown in Listing 1 is the code behind of the WebUserControl.

public string Text

get { return TextBox1.Text; }
set { TextBox1.Text = value; }

public static string staticVar = "Static Value";
public const string constVar = "Constant Value";

public void Method1()

Label1.Text = "Invoked public method with no argument";

public void MethodWithOneArg(string arg1)

Label2.Text = "Invoked public method with one argument, value: " + arg1;

public void MethodWithTwoArg(string arg1, int arg2)

Label3.Text = string.Format("Invoked public method with two argument, value: {0} and {1}", arg1, arg2.ToString());

private void PrivateMethod()

Label4.Text = "Invoked private method";

private void PrivateMethodWithArgs(string arg1, int arg2, string arg3)

Label5.Text = string.Format("Invoked private method with three argument, value: {0} , {1} and {2}", arg1, arg2.ToString(), arg3);

Read more: C# Corner

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