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.NET Client Library for Google+ (Both in original binary form and decompiled/source version too)

| Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Are you a .NET developer looking for a .NET Client library to develop cool applications using Google+ data? Here is a .NET library, developed using C#. You can download the .NET Library from here and use it to develop applications

We are excited to announce the release of GooglePlusLib, a .NET library for Google+ APIs.

Google announced the version 1 of Google+ APIs couple of days ago. As usual, Google released the APIs along with a couple of client libraries, including .NET client library. However, the client libraries released by Google have some learning curve since the usage is not in the native .NET programming style.

Here is a .NET client library we developed for Google+ APIs. They are very easy to use in your applications.

You are welcome to use the GooglePlusLib.NET client library as you like. You can use this library to develop applications and distribute it with your applications.

Read more: Greg's Cool [Insert Clever Name] of the Day
Read more: .NET Client Library for Google+ APIs from
QR: 3332-NET-Library-Google-APIs-released.aspx

Posted via email from Jasper-net