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The Difficulty with Deadlocks

| Monday, August 1, 2011
Deadlocks can kill an application’s performance. Users will complain about the app being slow or broken. Developers will ask the DBA to fix the problem, DBAs will push the problem back on developers. The next thing you know, the office looks like Lord of the Flies.
What is a Deadlock?

A deadlock occurs when two queries need exclusive access to different tables and each query is waiting for the other to finish. Assume that there are two tables, tA and tB. There are also two queries, Q1 and Q2. The first query, Q1, takes an exclusive lock on tA at the same time that the second query, Q2, takes an exclusive lock on tB. So far, there’s nothing out of the ordinary happening. Q1 then requests exclusive access to tB. At this point we have a block. Q1 must wait for Q2 to release its lock before Q1 can finish. Q2 now requests an exclusive lock on tA. And here we have a deadlock.

Q1 won’t release its lock on tA until it can get a lock on tB. Q2 won’t release its lock on tB until it can get a lock on tA. In order for either query to finish, they need access to the other query’s resources. That’s just not going to happen. This is a deadlock.

In order for the database to keep responding, one of these queries has to go. The query that’s eliminated is called the deadlock victim.
Finding Deadlocks

What is the first sign of a deadlock? Queries that should be fast start taking a long time to respond. That’s the first sign of a deadlock, but that’s also the first sign of a lot of other problems. Another sign of a deadlock is an error (error 1205 to be precise) and a very helpful error message: Transaction (Process ID %d) was deadlocked on {%Z} resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

SQL Server is telling you exactly how to solve the problem – re-run your transaction. Unfortunately, if the cause of the deadlock is still running, odds are that your transaction will fail. You can enable several trace flags to detect deadlocks (trace flag2 1204 and 1222), but they output the deadlock to the SQL Server error log and produce output that is difficult to read and analyze.

Read more: Brent Ozaf PLF

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