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Mr. Mouse Turns Your Android Device Into A Motion-Tracking WiFi Mouse

| Monday, July 18, 2011

There are tons of apps on the Android Market that allow you to control your computer’s mouse pointer from your Android device over WiFi. But this is the first time we’ve come across one that doesn’t use a virtual touch pad to do so. Mr. Mouse for Android is a free tool that, in addition to the providing you with the conventional touch pad interface, allows you to move your computer’s mouse pointer by tilting or waving your device from side to side. The app employs your device’s camera to detect its motion. The camera detects changes in the image, transmits said changes over a common WiFi network to a server application installed on your computer, which in turn causes the mouse pointer to move accordingly. The app is still in beta as of this writing and doesn’t seem to support a lot of devices. Also, the aforementioned Camera Mouse feature requires quite a bit of processing power, so you might experience considerable lag (between the motion of your device and the response of your computer’s mouse pointer) on most if not all devices.

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