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sec-wall: Open Source Security Proxy

| Tuesday, May 3, 2011
sec-wall, a recently released security proxy is a one-stop place for everything related to securing HTTP/HTTPS traffic. Designed as a pragmatic solution to the question of securing servers using SSL/TLS certificates, WS-Security, HTTP Basic/Digest Auth, custom HTTP headers, XPath expressions with an option of modifying HTTP headers and URLs on the fly.
This article is an introductory material that will guide you through the process of installing the software on Ubuntu and preparing the first security configuration - using HTTP Basic Auth with and without tunneling it through SSL/TLS.

The core of sec-wall is a high-performance HTTP(S) server built on top of gevent framework which in turn is a Pythonic wrapper around the libevent notification library.

Most of the project's dependencies may be fetched using apt-get and that's what will be used below. Note the installation of pip, an installer for Python packages, it will come in handy because Spring Python, another of the project's dependencies isn't available in Ubuntu repositories yet (although there's an ITP for that). Installing zdaemon with pip will make sure the command will be consistently available under the same name regardless of the Python version you're using. pip will also be used for installing sec-wall itself, the software's just too new for there being a DEB in the repositories.

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-pesto python-gevent python-yaml python-lxml
$ sudo pip install zdaemon
$ sudo pip install springpython
$ sudo pip install sec-wall
And that's it, we can proceed to use sec-wall now.

Firstly, an instance of the proxy needs to be initialized in an empty directory. That sets up the place for future internal log files, places a dot-prefixed 'hidden' file to mark the directory as belonging to a sec-wall instance and - most importantly - creates a skeleton config file, one that we need to customize.

$ mkdir ~/sec-wall-tutorial
$ sec-wall --init ~/sec-wall-tutorial

Posted via email from Jasper-net