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XNA RPG - Learning XNA while building a RPG, a 26 part tutorial series

| Thursday, April 28, 2011
E3 2011 is a little more than a month away, the expo where nearly all the cool gaming news comes out. There's rumors that there's news coming about development "stuff" for the XBox 360 and E3 seems like the logical time for that news to be released.

To give you a leg up and help you catch that wave, today's post is curtsey of Jamie McMahon and his very cool  XNA Game Programming Adventures, XNA 4.0 RPG Tutorials series.

The series takes you from install to a playable 2D RPG with each in the series building on the last. The tutorial includes not only building the game but a game/level editor too.

Part 1 - Getting Stated
This first tutorial is about getting started with the role playing game, Eyes of the Dragon. I create the basic project, two class libraries, and some components that will be used through out the rest of the tutorials.


Part 4 - Tile Engine
The forth tutorial is about adding in a tile engine for the game. The tile engine is what you will use to draw the maps the player will use to explore your world. In the next tutorial I will add in more to the tile engine.


Part 10 - Character Classes
This adds in some basic classes for characters in the game and a class to represent the world the game takes place in. 

Part 11A - Game Editor
In this tutorial I add in an editor for the game and move from a static character class system to a dynamic character class system. This is part one of a three part tutorial.


Read more: Channel9

Posted via email from Jasper-net