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FMBomb - A Beginner's Approach to Hardware Programming

| Sunday, January 16, 2011

In this article, I want to take you through the process of creating your own hardware project. I hope it can serve as an example that working in hardware can be an approachable and a fun hobby for people that are already smart enough to know how to code.

Disclaimer: This is a beginner’s article and as such, I do not use or explain some best practices in hardware construction that would be out of scope for this article. I’m going for quick and simple.

Dispelling Hardware Fears

So right away, I want to attack some of the major reasons not to get into hardware as a hobby, and hopefully convince you otherwise. In talking with people, I found there are really five big reasons that software people don’t get into hardware.

  1. Lack of knowledge in all things electrical
  2. Cost
  3. The dreaded assembly and C programming
  4. Afraid to zap yourself or fry something
  5. Lack of interest
Let me briefly share my opinion on each of these, and then we’ll get to the good stuff. Feel free to skip ahead to the good stuff if you don't want to hear me ramble about each of these. It won't hurt my feelings.

Lack of knowledge in all things electrical

I have a B.S. in Electrical Engineering so I know a little bit about this stuff, but I spent most of my degree solving Fourier transforms, creating PID controllers, and building opamps from scratch. Sure that knowledge helps, but I never touched a microcontroller in college. All my microcontroller knowledge has been self taught while working in my basement. It just takes some effort and a little patience. You’re smart enough to figure this stuff out. Trust me.


OK, so we all know that writing software is essentially free once you have the computer (how much did that cost you by the way?). Software tools are free for hobby use, and you can accomplish a lot without spending any money. There’s not much we can do here. Hardware parts cost money, but most of the tools to develop firmware are free, and parts are cheaper than you think. And remember, in many cases, you can rip stuff out of those old electronics collecting dust in your attic and give them new life.

Read more: Codeproject

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