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50 UNIX / Linux Sysadmin Tutorials

| Thursday, January 20, 2011
To wrap this year, I’ve collected 50 UNIX / Linux sysadmin related tutorials that we’ve posted so far. This is lot of reading. Bookmark this article for your future reference and read it whenever you get free time.

  1. Disk to disk backup using dd command: dd is a powerful UNIX utility, which is used by the Linux kernel makefiles to make boot images. It can also be used to copy data. This article explains how to backup entire hard disk and create an image of a hard disk using dd command.
  2. 15 rsync command examples: Every sysadmin should master the usage of rsync. rsync utility is used to synchronize the files and directories from one location to another. First time, rsync replicates the whole content between the source and destination directories. Next time, rsync transfers only the changed blocks or bytes to the destination location, which makes the transfer really fast.
  3. Three sysadmin rules: If you are a sysadmin, you can’t (and shouldn’t) break these three sysadmin rules.
  4. User and group disk quota: This article explains how to setup user and group quote with soft limit, hard limit and grace period. For example, if you specify 2GB as hard limit, user will not be able to create new files after 2GB.
  5. Troubleshoot using dmesg: Using dmesg you can view boot up messages that displays information about the hardware devices that the kernel detects during boot process. This can be helpful during troubleshooting process.
  6. RPM package management examples: 15 examples provided in this article explains everything you need to know about managing RPM packages on redhat based system (including CentOS).
  7. 10 netstat examples: Netstat command displays various network related information such as network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, multicast memberships etc.,
  8. Manage packages using apt-* commands: These 13 practical examples explains how to manage packages using apt-get, apt-cache, apt-file and dpkg commands.
  9. Modprobe command examples: modprobe utility is used to add loadable modules to the Linux kernel. You can also view and remove modules using modprobe command.
  10. Ethtool examples: Ethtool utility is used to view and change the ethernet device parameters. These examples will explain how you can manipulate your ethernet NIC card using ethtool.
  11. NFS mount using exportfs: This is a linux beginners guide to NFS mount using exportfs. This explains how to export a file system to a remote machine and mount it both temporarily and permanently.
  12. Change timezone: Depending on your Linux distribution, use one of the methods explained in this article to change the timezone on your system.
  13. Install phpMyAdmin: phpMyAdmin is a web-based tool written in PHP to manage the MySQL database. Apart from viewing the tables (and other db objects), you can perform lot of DBA functions through the web based interface. You can also execute any SQL query from the UI.
  14. Setup squid to control internet access: Squid is a proxy caching server. You can use squid to control internet access at work. This guide will give a jump-start on how to setup squid on Linux to restrict internet access in an network.

Read more: The Geek Stuff

Posted via email from Jasper-net