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Scrypt Enhanced Cryptography for Silverlight 3+

| Sunday, November 28, 2010
Project Description
The Scrypt enahnced cryptography library provides additional cryptographic capabilities for Microsoft Silverlight 3+. In this initial release we've added RSA Encryption with support for key sizes from 256-bit to 4096-bit.

This library is fully compatible with .NET's built in RSACryptoServiceProvider.

For some usage examples, please visit my blog:

This library limits the allowed key size to the range of 256-bit to 4096-bit. This is strictly due to the functionality of the employed BigInteger class that is used which initializes a fixed array for data storage. While this size can be increased to allow for larger keys, I found the negative impact on performance to be unacceptable. Likewise, I performed a full conversion of the BigInteger class to utilize generics instead of fixed arrays but the performance impact of this approach was also unacceptable.

Read more: Codeplex

Posted via email from .NET Info


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the great information! I would not have discovered this otherwise!.