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NHibernate Code Base Analysis

| Thursday, December 2, 2010
Patrick Smacchia writing. I am not a NH developer but the creator of a static analysis tool for .NET developer: NDepend. I recently analyzed NH v3.0.0 Candidate Release 1 with NDepend and I had a chance to discuss some results with NH developer Fabio Maulo. Fabio suggested me to show some results on the NH blog, so here it is.

NDepend generated a report by analyzing NH v3.0.0 CR1 code base. See the report here. NDepend has also the ability to show static analysis results live, inside Visual Studio. The live results are richer than the static report results. Here, I will mostly focus on results extracted from the report, but a few additional results will be obtained from the richer NDepend live capabilities.

Code Size

NH code base weights almost 63K Lines of Code (LoC as defined here). Developers hates LoC as a productivity yardstick measurement, but it doesn't mean that the LoC code metric is useless. LoC represents a great way to compare code base size and gets an idea of the overall development effort. In the report namespace metrics section, we can see that the namespace NHibernate.Hql.Ast.ANTLR.* generated by ANTLR weights around 18K LoC. So we can consider that NH handcrafted code weights 45 LoC. Now we have a number to compare to the 19K LoC of NUnit, the 28K LoC of CC.NET, the 32K LoC of Db4o, the 110K LoC of NDepend, the roughly 130 KLoC of Llblgen, the roughly 500K LoC (or so) of R# (that certainly contains a significant portion of generated code) and the roughly 2M LoC of the .NET Fx 4.

So not only NH is one of the most successful OSS initiative, it is also one of the biggest OSS code base. To quote one NH contributor, NH is a big beast!

Assembly Partitioning

NH is packaged in a single NHibernate.dll assembly. I am a big advocate of reducing the number of assemblies and one assembly seems an ideal number. This way:

Projects consumers of NH just need to link, maintain the reference to just one assembly. This is a very good thing compared to many other OSS Fx that force to reference, maintain many assemblies.
Compilation time is much (much) faster. Compilation time of one single VS project can be easily 10 times faster than the compilation time of the same code base partitioned in many VS projects.
Startup-time of an application using NH is a bit faster. Indeed, the CLR comes with a slight overhead for each extra assemblies to load at runtime.
On the dependency graph or dependency matrix diagrams of the report, I can see that the NH assembly is linking 3 extra assemblies that needs to be redistributed as well: Antlr3.Runtime, Remotion.Data.Linq, and Iesi.Collections.

Code Coverage and NH Code Correctness

Read more: NHibernate Forge

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