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Interacting with javascript in Silverlight

| Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sometimes you need to interact with javascript from your Silverlight application.  Sometimes you even need to have javascript manipulate the state of your Silverlight objects.  In this post I’m going to show you how you can pass an object created in Silverlight to a javascript prototype, which changes a value on that object, and then have the Silverlight application request that object back with the changed values.

Download the sample project and source for this post: Silverlight javascript Interop Demo Source

First we have a Data object.  This is a POCO object though it has one major difference – the ScriptableType attribute.  This attribute exposes all properties, methods, and events of the attributed object as scriptable endpoints.  You can selectively exclude items if you like by utilizing the ScriptableMember attribute.

public class Data
   public string ID { get; set; }
   public string Status { get; set; }

Next we have the Application prototype in javascript.  This prototype exposes two methods, setObject and getObject.  The setObject method sets the Status of the passed in object to a specific string value.  It also holds onto the object so that other functions can have access to it.  We then also provide an app variable that can be accessed in Silverlight.

Read more: joe.mcbride

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