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HowTo: build MSBuild Solutions

| Sunday, November 14, 2010
Those of you who are already experts in the usage of MSBuild will be just smiling about my Blogspot but for someone who hasn’t worked with MSBuild till today (like me) I thought this howto would be very helpful.

Introduction to MSBuild

At this point I won’t give you a great introduction into MSBuild. MSBuild is the basic for the development process of .NET Projects. There is another great Tutorial from Thorsten Hans. Please take a look on it if you would like to have a deeper few into the whole MSBuild problem.

Whats my problem

I had a specific problem for me. At our enterprise we use the TFS 2010 including the Teambuilds. Now I want to have a Buildscript on the client who is able to build every solutions local (we have a lot of – big project) and pass it to a folder. The TFS works quite similar and pass everything after the successful build into the droplocation. Thats what I want to build after.


I know my demo is very thin and includes just an ASP.NET MVC project with Unit Tests – unchanged standard:

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