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Codeplex Projects Everyone Should Know About

| Sunday, November 14, 2010
First of all, we should probably explain what Codeplex is. is a collaborative website where individual contributors create, maintain, contribute, and share code samples for various Microsoft technologies. In this chapter, you will get a brief introduction to some of the open source tools that everyone should know about. These projects include design tools, development tools, libraries and toolkits, back-end and server-side technologies. They include samples of best practices by some of the most accomplished Silverlight users today. These projects showcase people hacking Silverlight in new and interesting ways.

It’s important to note that all of these projects are open source, created by people who have a desire to help the overall Silverlight community. If you find the projects useful, take some time to contribute, or better yet, start your own. Codeplex is waiting. First up, it’s infectious, it’s compelling, it’s the MVVM fever and it’s time for you to break out of your pedestrian design patterns.

MVVM Light Toolkit…

“MVVM is so hot right now!” Pardon the Zoolander reference, but it does seem appropriate as an introduction to MVVM due to the incredible popularity and overall buzz around the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern within the Silverlight community.

So what is MVVM? We could easily, and others already have, dedicate an entire book to answering this question, so I’ll just skim over the details and say that MVVM is a architectural pattern that helps developers create applications that are cleaner, easier to maintain and extend, and also highly testable. It’s a variation on the Model-View-Controller pattern that takes advantage of the rich data binding capabilities of Silverlight. The ultimate goal of MVVM is creating a development workflow with true separation between the user experience layer (View) and the programming or business logic layer (ViewModel). Or more simply, you can work on and test either the front end user experience or the back end logic without having to worry about what the other half is doing.


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