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Reading Excel File in Silverlight 4.0 - COM Programming

| Tuesday, October 5, 2010
There have been several new features in Silverlight 4.0 which we have been discussing in the previous articles. One of the Silverlight 4.0 features you should know is COM programming capabilities. Using this feature in a Silverlight 4 application, you can Read and Write data to an Excel file. In this article, I will demonstrate the COM programming feature for reading data from Excel worksheet and displaying it in Silverlight 4 application.

Creating Silverlight 4.0 client application

Step 1: Start VS2010 and Create a new Silverlight 4.0 application, name it as ‘SLIV4_Reading_Excel_File’.
Step 2: To read the local disk file contents and the files from the ‘MyDocuments’ folder, the Silverlight must be running in an Out-of-Browser mode with elevated rights. Right click on the Silverlight project and select properties. Check the ‘Enable running application out of browser’

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