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Hosting HTML in Silverlight (not Out of Browser)

| Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Some Silverlight projects may require that you render HTML content - perhaps a non-Silverlight control or web page. Unfortunately unless the project runs Out of Browser (OOB) the WebBrowser control isn't an option. What can you do?
While there is no easy solution to truly embed HTML inside of the Silverlight rendering engine, it is possible to render the HTML using the browser into a DIV element that is overlaid on your Silverlight application. In fact, because the rendering engine is powerful enough to provide you with all of the sizing events and triggers you need, you can create a very convincing experience displaying HTML in your application - even from the browser.
To illustrate this in action, we'll build a sort of "Silverlight browser" that allows you to navigate to any web page. In reality, we'll load the URL into an IFRAME that lives inside a DIV. What will be important to note is that the DIV automatically moves and resizes when you resize the application, as if it were a part the application itself!

Read more: C#er: IMage

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