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5 Fundamental differences between GIT & SVN

| Tuesday, September 21, 2010
If you are reading this article, you obviously care about GIT like lot of developers do and if you haven’t had a chance to get some taste of GIT, I think it’s time to wake up.

GIT is much more than a version control system, it can be used as CMS, workspace manager etc. It will take a mind shift for anyone coming from SVN background to get used to some of the concepts & features that GIT offers. So, the main purpose of this article is to help them by giving ideas on what to expect from GIT and how it’s different from SVN from high-level.

Alright, here it goes…

  1. GIT is distributed, SVN is not:
This is by far the *core* difference between GIT and other non-distributed version control systems like SVN, CVS etc. If you can catch this concept well, then you have crossed half the bridge. To add a disclaimer, GIT is not the first or only distributed VCS(version control system) currently available. There are other tools like Bitkeeper, Mercurial etc. which also work on distributed mode. But, GIT does it better and comes with much more powerful features.
GIT like SVN do have centralized repository or server. But, GIT is more intended to be used in distributed mode which means, every developers checking out code from central repository/server will have their own cloned repository installed on their machine. Let’s say if you are stuck somewhere where you don’t have network connectivity, like inside the flight,

Read more: BoxySystems Inc.

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