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Use Office 2010 to map a local drive letter to your free 25GB Live SkyDrive

| Monday, April 26, 2010
Live SkyDrive is an awesome service. 25GB of web storage for free? Yeah, that sounds good to me. Sure, the 50MB per file limit is a little bit of a downside but it's still a great place to store documents, music, and photos.

Heck, if you tell an app like 7zip to chunk big files up into 50MB pieces you can store whatever the heck you want. If only there was a way to access your SkyDrive storage like a local hard drive without an app like Gladinet or SD Explorer...Why, that'd make it like a free Dropbox account x 12.5!

As it turns out, there is a way to do that -- and it's pretty darn easy to do now that Office 2010 is here.

Here's what you'll need to to turn your SkyDrive into your Z: drive (or whatever letter you choose):

   * Office 2010 -- a trial version or unexpired beta is fine
   * a Windows Live account
   * ...the ability to follow directions

That's about it. Let's go!

Read more: DownloadSquad

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