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StyleCop is going Open Source!

| Sunday, April 25, 2010
I am very excited to announce that Microsoft has decided to take StyleCop Open Source under the MS-PL license. Specifically, this means that we will create a new project on containing the full code base for StyleCop, and all future development on StyleCop will be done from that CodePlex site. Microsoft will continue to manage the StyleCop project, and Microsoft will be responsible for creating and releasing official signed builds. However, we will also take code submissions from the community, and you will have access to all of the source!

Since StyleCop was released publicly, there has been an overwhelmingly positive response from the C# development community. StyleCop has been adopted by many developers and dev teams worldwide. Many tools related to StyleCop have sprung up and StyleCop has been integrated into a number of different C# development environments. This has been excellent to see.

Read more: Microsoft StyleCop

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