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How I made our websites run 10 times faster

| Tuesday, April 13, 2010
For a very long time our websites have been very sluggish. There are several reasons to this, some obvious, while other not so obvious. Here I will explain to you how we made our websites perform at lightning speed!
How I made our websites run 10 times faster

The first thing you have to realize when working with a website project, which isn't just merely HTML documents offed at some server somewhere, is that although YSlow is a very good product, the assumption that most of your website speed is in the client-layer just isn't true. YSlow is a *KICK-ASS* product, and start out with YSlow, but once you have gone through the issues you can fix that YSlow shows you, please do not stop there...!

If you have any kind of complex server back-end, you will have to move on further and also optimize your server back-end...

What we did...

First of all I started out with figuring out how to reduce the impact of the ViewState. The ViewState has a very bad reputation, and to be quite frankly, most of its bad reputation is not justified. The ViewState is a really beautiful thing, and if you're going to develop any kind of complex application or website, you will have to use some kind of either similar mechanism to the ViewState, or the ViewState itself.

Though when you couple the ViewState with a Modularized Framework like Ra-Brix, the ViewState problems accumulate. Since all our websites are built on Ra-Brix, we had to do something about it. A couple of weeks ago I wrote a pretty detailed blog about how we fixed our ViewState problems in Ra-Brix. To summarize; we saved it on the server...

Read more: Ra-Ajax

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