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Cassandra: Fact vs fiction

| Monday, April 12, 2010
Cassandra has seen some impressive adoption success over the past months, leading some to conclude that Cassandra is the frontrunner in the highly scalable databases space (a subset of the hot NoSQL category). Among all the attention, some misunderstandings have been propagated, which I'd like to clear up.

Fiction: "Cassandra relies on high-speed fiber between datacenters" and can't reliably replicate between datacenters with more than a few ms of latency between them.

Fact: Cassandra's multi-datacenter replication is one of its earliest features and is by far the most battle-tested in the NoSQL space. Facebook had Cassandra deployed on east and west coast datacenters since before open sourcing it. SimpleGeo's Cassandra cluster spans 3 EC2 availability zones, and Digg is also deployed on both coasts. Claims that this can't possibly work are an excellent sign that you're reading an article by someone who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Fiction: "It’s impossible to tell when [Cassandra] replicas will be up-to-date."

Fact: Cassandra provides consistency when R + W > N (read replica count + write replica count > replication factor), to use the Dynamo vocabulary. If you do writes and reads both with QUORUM, for one example, you can expect data consistency as soon as there are enough reachable nodes for a quorum. Cassandra also provides read repair and anti-entropy, so that even reads at ConsistencyLevel.ONE will be consistent after either of these events.

Fiction: Cassandra has a small community

Fact: Although popularity has never been a good metric for determining correctness, it's true that when using bleeding edge technology, it's good to have company. As I write this late at night (in the USA), there are 175 people in the Cassandra irc channel, 60 in the HBase one, 32 in Riak's, and 15 in Voldemort's. (Six months ago, the numbers were 90, 45, and 12 for Cassandra, HBase, and Voldemort. I did not hang out in #riak yet then.) Mailing list participation tells a similar story.

It's also interesting that the creators of Thrudb and dynomite are both using Cassandra now, indicating that the predicted NoSQL consolidation is beginning.

Read more: Spyced

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