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PsyMUD: a MUD for Linux

| Sunday, March 7, 2010
When I went to my first college (more on why it was the first shortly), I used to play on a lot of MUDs. MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons) were the thing for on-line gaming at the time. The only other real alternative were BBS-based games (usually turn-based) or forking over serious cash to play checkers on CompuServe. This was pre-commercial internet (1990/1991), so MUDs were full of computer science students at various colleges (read:"nerds"). I even saw one of my friends go get married to someone he met on a MUD, in 1991. Trust me, back then, meeting someone online and marrying them was not common.

I spent so much time playing MUDs that I failed out of my first college (University of Lowell). I'd play for 12-14 hours straight, all night, then go sleep all day. The computer lab doors would lock you out at 10 or so, so if you wanted to stay in there after that time, you made the choice not to leave the lab, affectionately called "The Dungeon" by the CS students that hung out there.

Read more: 10Rem.Net

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