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Fun with Ubuntu

| Sunday, March 20, 2011
Ubuntu is like an empty box. You install packages according to your requirements, try out various options available and witness the changes that take place within your box. In other words, you are customizing the box according to your needs and interests.

So, in this post, I will be presenting you with four useful options that you can try out to customize your Ubuntu box.

Download Youtube videos and convert them to avi

You need to install youtube-dl and ffmpeg package.

1. $ sudo apt-get install youtube-dl ffmpeg
2. Upgrade youtube-dl two times.
3. $ sudo youtube-dl -U
4. $ sudo youtube-dl -U
5. After installation, open the Terminal and type
6. $ youtube-dl -o example.flv “
7. Finally, convert the downloaded video to .avi format
8. $ ffmpeg -i example.flv example.avi

Start from where you left off

When you need to shut down and still let computer remember the programs running, Ubuntu has provisions for this too. You can then resume your work as soon as you log in back again.

1. go to System > Preferences > Startup Applications.
2. go to the options tab and check “Automatically remember running applications when logging out”

Hide drive icons on Desktop

Personally, i like to keep my desktop clean — no icons at all. If you want your desktop not to display the icons of the mounted drives then follow these instructions.

1. Press Alt+F2 to bring up “Run Application” window.
2. Type gconf-editor into the box and click “Run”.
3. Browse to apps > nautilus > desktop.
4. Untick “volumes_visible” and close the window.

Note: You can always access the drives from “Places” found in the panel.

Change wallpapers automatically

By default, your desktop wallpaper is static. You have to manually change the wallpapers by selecting “Change Desktop Background” after you right click your desktop. However, installing wally will change the wallpapers automatically within a certain interval.

1. $ sudo apt-get install wally
2. Press Alt+F2 to bring up “Run Application” window. Type wally into the box and click the “Run” button.
3. Right-click the Wally icon on the panel and select Settings.
4. CLick “Folders” in the left column, then add /usr/share/backgrounds to the Folder box and tick “Include subfolders”.

Read more: fortystones

Posted via email from Jasper-net